The following post is a contribution from one of our conference participants, Yale alumna Katharine Preston.
As a graduate of both the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (’74) and Andover Newton Divinity School (’00), concentrating in ecology ministry, I look forward with special delight to the upcoming conference.
First, I want to reassure others that there are now many, many people out here in the non-academic world that are already working on these concerns on a weekly basis in churches (and synagogues and mosques). I guest preach in small, rural congregations in northern New York. Each time I am encouraged by the response of folks working hard to green their sanctuaries and change their ways of thinking about how humans fit into the greater scheme of God’s creation. Interfaith Power and Light groups, now in 25 states, are just one national effort illustrating this phenomenon. (
Katharine Preston
Ecology Ministry
Essex, NY